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Quote of the Week

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ~AesopFor attractive lips, speak words of kindness. ~Audrey HepburnKind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless. ~Mother TeresaWhenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love. ~GandhiIt is when you give of yourself that you truly give. ~Kahil GibranChoose being kind over being right, and you'll be right every time. ~Richard Carlson

Monday, February 28, 2011


February 28, 2011

Today's RAKs were both school-related.  Supported the 7th grade Bake Sale and also committed to sending in donations for our 8th grade homeroom "China" basket for the Roeper Auction.  No clue where I'm finding Chinese items in suburban West Bloomfield but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

So tired -- signing off.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

2.26.11 - Misc.

You'd think having my boys and husband "home" on vacation all week would allow me oodles of time to myself (and time to write this blog).....not so much!  I hope next week when everyone goes back to their normal life I will get back to writing daily.

Here's what I've been up to (besides being up to no good!)

February 24th - David and I went to a Town Meeting to support a booming Michigan industry -- film. Our new governor has single handedly halted this program, which will cost tens of thousands of jobs. Avoiding adversity isn't something I'm good at and since I'm good and pissed off I'm getting involved -- and encouraging my peers to do so as well.

February 25th - Cost of driving 2 hours to take your niece away from her studies and out to lunch?  Priceless!

February 26th - Today I took a minute to send a "testimonial" to my landscaping company.  They have always done a terrific job for us.  With lawnmowing, landscaping and leaf removal they have always been great but this year, their snow plow service has been exceptional.  We have an enormous amount of snow this year and with a long driveway I would have expected to be "snowed in" at least a few times.  They have never missed a visit to our house and what is better is that they come during the night so we wake to a clean driveway. I REALLY appreciate it and took time to tell them!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2.22.11 - A Little Pick-Me-Up

February 22, 2011

Okay, I'm probably "outing" my anal retentive tendencies here, but it is really a pet peeve of mine to see careless trash strewn about the streets, parking lots, parks, you name it.  One thing, in particular, that creeps me out, is when people use public restrooms as their personal dumping ground for gum wrappers, receipts, empty rolls of toilet paper, etc.  Now don't get me wrong, I draw the line at public arena bathroom cleaning but yesterday I did my RAK at the doctor's office.  When I think of my doctor's office I LIKE to think it is a sterile, clean and professional environment.  And Dr. A's office is as stated, but when I walked into his bathroom and saw paper towels and gum wrappers on the floor it annoyed me.  So yes, I admit it, I cleaned it all up (don't be grossed out -- I used a paper towel to do it!)

Monday, February 21, 2011

2.21.11 - Handi-helper

February 21, 2011

Well, we are snowed in this morning so I'm not sure if I'm venturing out of the snow cave today....can't let a day go by without an RAK though.

Most days, I do more than one -- I just don't feel the need to write about it -- but for today, since I'm snowed it, I will steal one from yesterday's bank.  Upon returning to our car from grocery shopping, it was a blizzard -- a Snowpocolypse if you will.  Parked next to us in a handicapped spot was an old man who was loading his groceries into his car at a painfully slow rate, all the while becoming covered in snow.  I shuffled over to him to help him load his car and then took his cart back to the cart caddy for him so he could get into his warm car. What is sad and pathetic and a telling sign of our society, is that even in our area I think this man's first instinct was to be afraid of me.  I'm pretty sure if I was a man he would not have let me help him at all.  Good thing I'm just a woman!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

2.20.11 - Don't Mess with Me!

February 20, 2011

Today I sent 21 letters to 21 representatives, begging them to reconsider destroying Michigan's film incentives.  Feel free to copy this letter, create your own spin and send it to your representatives.  If you want the list of who I sent it to, I'm happy to provide it.

Dear Representative,

I am a Project Manager for Real Style Extras Casting & Talent. We have worked on over 30 films here in Michigan and just finished wrapping the television program “Detroit 1-8-7.”   Since Michigan’s tax incentives have been in effect, we have been able to place 30,000 extras on Michigan productions!  30,000!!!!

I'd like you to consider that the package of bills that make up our film incentives are an investment in Michigan’s economy. No investment earns the big payout in the short run, but these have brought in hundreds of jobs and spurred people to spend in Michigan. It is important to maintain and grow our industry and vendors who in fact are not related to this industry. It is not a perfect group of bills but they help create jobs and training opportunities.  The effect of capping these bills has had an immediate impact on me and my family, as well as thousands of extras we work with.

Until the Governor’s speech last week, we were gearing up to what would have been the biggest summer Michigan’s film industry has ever seen.  Huge Hollywood productions, some with budgets of over $100M, were considering Michigan as production sites.  They’ve been scared away, costing Michigan millions in revenue.  The trickle down effect is just devastating.

There are areas of the bill that should be reviewed. As examples I would suggest that providing incentives for out of state crew is unnecessary. And allowing companies to “pass through” as Michigan corporations is counterproductive.

In the larger picture we must remember, we are now surrounded by States with similar incentives and perhaps they are more attractive due to weather, infrastructure or other factors.  They would be happy to take the business we turn away. We need an opportunity to grow ours and better compete. We lose nothing if they don't come - we gain if they do!  AND we have!

The positive economic impact goes directly to communities in the great State of Michigan. The amount of money brought in from a national commercial or a several million-dollar feature film can be dramatic.
Anytime a commercial or feature film rolls into town, markets, hotels and similar facilities see the ripple effect in their bottom line...that is money in the til and jobs. The benefits of the influx of this environmentally clean, labor friendly work also include the ability of our currently frayed production infrastructure to retool and better compete on a level playing field with the rest of the U.S.

Commercial work in particular is an issue worth reviewing. In doing so you will find that they, even more than feature films sustain local businesses across the range from rentals to post production.
With studios Raleigh or ABC’s Highland Park facility up and running we will really start to see growth. I urge you to work with efforts to build up not only our industry, but businesses that benefit from the ripple effects.

Most Sincerely;

Dena Raminick
Project Manager
Real Style
Facebook: Real Style Extras Casting & Talent
Twitter:  RealStyleTalent

Saturday, February 19, 2011

2.19.11 - Medicine for the Soul

February 19, 2011

Well I'm starting to slack on writing this blog.  I'm not necessarily slacking on doing good things, I'm just not finding enough time to write about it.  The last few days I've done RAK's that I won't write about because I think it might embarrass the people who were recipients of my love.

That being said, today's RAK is a recipe of heartfelt love.  I have a friend who I am pretty sure is running herself ragged.  She is caring for a treasured partner who is in the hospital and very sick. I know from experience that when you are dealing with someone you love that is sick, it takes everything out of you.  You spend every ounce of emotion and it drains you to the point where you forget to eat.  As I'm typing this I can smell the delicious mushroom barley soup I'm making for my dear friend.   I will drop it off in the morning.  There is not much I can do to ease the pain she is going through but I hope a little soup will warm her up.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2.16.11 - Operation Love Lola

February 16, 2011 --

I am copying the following note in the hopes my FB/Blog friends will join me in supporting this precious child.

You may be wondering what is Operation Love Lola? 
First, let me tell you a little about this special girl named Lola. Lola is a five year old girl very near and dear to my heart, she is my niece. She is the sweetest girl I have ever met, alway polite, with a huge smile on her face. She has one of the biggest imaginations I know. She also may talk more than any other 5 year old I know. She loves princesses, fairies, the color pink, and my little ponies. Most of all she loves her Lamie and Bear, they have been with her through a lot. You may be thinking well, that sounds great but why does she need all this love?
On Valentine's Day Lola was diagnosed with Leukemia. Her prognosis is good as she has the best kind of Leukemia that she can for her age. Plus, she is in great care at a brand new children's hospital.

Here is where you come in:
I would LOVE for Lola to be showered with cards of encouragement, prayer, and well wishes while she goes through this process.
Since she will only be in the hospital for a little while and then will switch to outpatient care for treatment cards can be sent to me. I will then bring them to her. (Her family does not have a permeant address right now, see below for more info).
Please address and send cards to:
Operation Love Lola
C/O Tara Angus
1514 Erin St
Jenison, MI 49428

I really want this to be all about Lola but feel the need in my heart to share this piece of information because I know that her family will likely not ask for it.
Lola's family left the U.S. this fall to be full time missionaries in Africa. They quit their jobs, sold their cars, rented out their home, never ever intending to return for 2 years. They left the US to go do God's work including business education and orphan care. When Lola became sick they traveled 3 days via car to go to a hospital in the capitol. Then the mission organization told them to return to the US right away. They did not have time to return to their home in Africa. They left almost all of their belongings in Africa, as they were only planning to travel to the capitol for one week not to the US. When they arrived in the US they had summer gear on (flip flops, shorts), where they left it was over 100 degrees.
For now my Sister and her Husband are staying at the hospital but their younger daughter is staying with her Grandparents.
Their basic needs are met however there are items that they could use over time. Friends have let them borrow clothes but the time will come when the whole family will need their own clothes and belonging. If you would be willing and are able to donate to them that would be a blessing. Gift cards are welcome in any amount as are paypal donations to (I only use this account for paypal not to check my e-mail, please message me on FB with questions).
Right now it would be to difficult to coordinate actual donations of items (clothes, etc.) that is why I am asking for gift cards. This will allow the family to use them as needed over time.

Lastly, what they need most of all is prayer. We all know that the power of prayer is strong. When it is multiplied it is even stronger. Please pray for strength for Lola. Pray for her Doctors and Nurses. Pray for peace for her parents and extended family. Pray for understanding. Pray for quick and complete healing.

As my sister says, "God is good all the time".

No matter which option or options you chose in supporting Lola in the journey please know that I appreciate you taking part.
If you would like to follow their story or learn more please check out their blog:

With a heavy heart but knowing peace from above,

2.15.11 - It's Who Ya' Know; RAK in the Workplace

February 15, 2011

Two different people today asked me if I "knew" of someone they could use as a business contact so it dawned on me that we all should be more inclined to help one another.  It will take me much of the week to finish, but today I started a database of business contacts for several of my friends to use in their corporate conquests.

Monday, February 14, 2011

2.14.11 - Love is in the Air

It's been a crazy weekend with work, running around with my friends and then a very sick child at home so I haven't had time to blog about any RAK's.  Don't want to let myself off the hook even in busy times so while I won't write a novella about it I will just log my gestures.

2:13 - Baked a Valentine's Day cake to take to Beaumont Hospital for their Pediatric party Monday.  I was supposed to volunteer, but with Shelby's "flu cooties" on me I won't be playing with the kids -- just donating the goodies.

2:12 - I always try to do a good job at work but today we held a Casting Call for current talent to come take new head shots and review their profiles (which is the information we send to directors).  I really spent extra quality time with each and every Extra to make sure their shots were the best ones to use and gave considerable thought to their profiles.  Shared genuine compliments with all which is always something we can use.
2:11 - My BFF is in town so I surprised her by showing up at her mom's house with a box of cookies from her favorite bakery.  I drew hearts and wrote love notes all over the box so she would feel special and know how much I love her.
2.10 - Met the girls for drinks and fun.  Not an over-the-top RAK but I paid for a round of shots and snacks.

And that takes me to today, 2.14 --- It's Valentine's Day -- usually one of my favorites -- but today I'm feeling tired and a tiny bit gloomy.  Mood be damned I will not excuse myself from this exercise.  I decided this morning, that although David is working all day and although I have two teenagers who are embarrassed by my presence I am throwing them a formal Valentine's dinner, complete with candles, flowers, a cake and Valentine's gifts.  I just sent them all text messages Cordially Inviting them to Dine with their Valentine at 7 pm.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

2.9.11 - SWAK

February 9, 2011

A few weeks ago I sat down to write and decorate Valentine's for all my girls.  I sent out dozens of them this week and today I hand delivered more.  Who doesn't love getting actual mail?  I know I much prefer to hold an actual card in my hand, knowing the care and thought someone took versus opening a quick email or text, a virtual expression left to float in digital space out of reach (unless I remember to save it).

It has warmed my heart this week as I've gotten calls and email responses -- just knowing that I put a smile on someone's face.

Kindness in words creates confidence.  Kindness in thinking creates profundity. Kindness in giving creates love. - Lao Tse

PS:  As an extra RAK today, I left a 50% tip for my waitress at lunch.  Was she a fabulous waitress?  Not even close.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2.8.11 - Friends

February 8. 2011

Remember the old commercial for AT&T with the slogan "Reach Out & Touch Someone?"   That's what I did today.

Thirteen years ago I befriended a wonderful lady. Our children were born at the same hospital, on the same day, and almost at the same time.  I can't explain the fun we had together as our children went through all their baby/toddler milestones together.  As the years have passed, we had lost touch.  There was no rhyme or reason to it; it just happened.  Coming across her on Facebook one day, it jolted my memory and my heart strings so I invited her brunch.

We met today and within 30 seconds it was as if no time at all had passed.  I do believe everyone happens to come into your life for one reason or another; maybe you don't always know what it is, or what lessons you are to learn from one another, but I'm vowing to embrace this and act on it more often.

Monday, February 7, 2011

2.7.11 - Yummies for my Cuties

February 6 & 7 ---

Yesterday (2/6) while cooking and slaving in the kitchen for the boys' Super Bowl party I threw together Noah's favorite pie, Oreo Pie.  I usually only make it once a year -- the night before school -- and we call it "Back to School Pie." ---- he was soooo happy!

Today (2/7) I surprised one of my favorite little cutes, Jordyn, with a bag of my famous chocolate chip cookies.  She loooooves them! And I love to make her smile!

Guess I've been on a baking kick lately -- so much more fun to share it than to eat it.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

2.5.11 - It's Good: Superbowl RAK

It couldn't be a crappier day here in Michigan.  It's cold and it's been snowing nonstop and to make it a triple whammy, I have a wicked sore throat.  After schlepping out for hours today to get food and munchies for tomorrow's Superbowl party (David & Noah are having their friends over!) I came home and spent hours in the kitchen baking cookies and getting things ready to make sliders, 7-layer dip and other goodies.  Once I finished in the kitchen someone had to tackle the mountain of dishes so I did that, too.

I finally crawled into bed to relax (it's 9 pm) and just said to David. "Oh Crap! I forgot to do something nice today!!"  He reminded me that all I did today was do "something nice" for him and for I chuckled and wrote my blog.

Friday, February 4, 2011

2.4.11 - An Apple for the Teacher

February 4, 2011

I still remember the first teacher who really believed in me. She was very pretty, with perfectly coiffed black hair, preppy clothes and smelled of the latest perfume.  I remember she kept her chalk in a plastic holder and I loved the rhythmic sound it made as she rolled it between her ring-clad hands as she lectured.  It used to remind me of rolling pins and cookie dough; I think I secretly wanted her to be my mother.

Her name was Mrs. Applebaum and she was my 7th grade English teacher.  I always felt special in her class because she constantly praised me for my perfect scores, my precise spelling, my grammar and my writing.  She often read my essays aloud and for the first time I really felt like I might be more than average.

Mrs. Applebaum made an impact on my life and as an adult I really wanted to express my gratitude.  A few years ago I "googled" her to send her a note to let her know how much her class meant to me and how writing has played a part in my life.  I never found her.

Today my RAK took my back.  While I have never found my teacher, I didn't want to wait thirty years to say "thank you" to a teacher that has made a difference in my child's life.  Mrs. K took notice of Shelby right away.  He was the one kid who understood her sense of humor, dissected her vocabulary and understood the words on a page in layers beyond his years.  I really appreciate her taking the time to challenge him and wanted her to know that her class is making a difference to him.  I am watching his self-esteem rise and an enthusiasm for writing that thrills me.  Just taking a few minutes to write her a note reminds me that we all shouldn't wait to say thank you to people that make a difference in our lives.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

2.3.11 - This Vein's for You

February 3, 2011

Did you know our nation is suffering a shortage of blood? We are over 28,000 units short -- that's a LOT of blood.  Today I booked an appointment to give blood and here are my top three reasons why YOU should join me:
1.  It just might be YOUR loved one in need of blood
2.  It's a nice thing to do and I will give you an RAK pat-on-the-back
3.  I promise you won't miss the blood they take.

Hope you all go to -- hey -- it's free cookies, people!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2.2.11 - Baggin' Candy

February 2, 2011

With Snowpocolype in town there wasn't much contact with the outside world---so, today I took some time to get ready for Valentine's Day.  My plans for the holiday this year will take me to Beaumont's Pediatric floor where the For A Day Foundation is helping to throw a party for the kids who have to spend Valentine's Day in the hospital. My RAK today -- I made 40 super cute goodie bags filled with candy to take with me on Feb. the trick is to keep it hidden from the boys in my house for the next 12 days.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2.1.11 - Truth be Told

February 1, 2011

Today was the ultimate test of my RAK journey.  In the beginning I told myself I wanted to do this to see if I would/could continue the kindness in times of trouble, sadness, anger or general laziness.

The morning greeted me with very disappointing news.  When things truly upset me I am not one to share it.  I either pack it away or I isolate myself until I am ready for humanity again.  This morning, after reading my email, I crawled back in bed and really, really, really wanted to sleep the day away.  On my TO DO LIST today, however, was "Call Davida" -- my friend who just broke her foot.  Just wanted to check in on her to see if she needed anything.  I put it off hour after hour because I just wasn't ready to put on my smiley face and talk to anyone.

After a long, hot shower I checked my phone to find that SHE had called ME first...of course I quickly returned the call.  Needing a few groceries, I gladly hopped to it and I have to say thank you to Davida!  Doing a favor for her actually did a favor for me.  She crashed my Pity Party and doing something nice for her put a smile back on my face that I didn't think was possible.  Thanks D! xox