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Quote of the Week

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ~AesopFor attractive lips, speak words of kindness. ~Audrey HepburnKind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless. ~Mother TeresaWhenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love. ~GandhiIt is when you give of yourself that you truly give. ~Kahil GibranChoose being kind over being right, and you'll be right every time. ~Richard Carlson

Monday, January 31, 2011

1.31.11 - A Lil' Chuckle for Ya'

January 31, 2011

Poor David is having a craptastic day today so I would be a bad wife if I didn't dedicate my RAK to him. 

Knowing he needed a little extra sweetness I picked up ten packets of his favorite (and HARD to find) candy, Chuckles.  Instead of just giving him the bag of candy I decided to hide them all over the house.  Hope it brings him ten more smiles.   xox

1.30.11 - DInner

January 30, 2011

Cooking dinner is always a stressful thing for me and my friends know that.  After reading my blog last week, my friend Sherry was incredibly kind and brought me dinner with a note that said "4 All U Do, This Brisket is for U!".....I was so touched that someone would do something so nice for me that of course, I had to pay it forward.

My friend Lois is a few years older than me -- okay a few decades older than me, and with that sometimes comes health issues.  Lois is doing great - fit as a fiddle, face of a model and mouth of sailer.  Her husband, on the other hand, has had his share of battles this year.  Knowing I'd see her tomorrow for lunch I decided to bring her dinner to take to her husband so she'd have one less thing on her plate.  After I had everything ready and packed up I called her to give her a head's up and to reconfirm our lunch plans. I told her not to worry about making dinner tomorrow because I had it covered.  Then the laughter ensued.  

Of course my first thought was the laughter was for my cooking but she was laughing because she had just finished making a roast for ME, complete with the recipe card.  Sometimes RAK's come full circle.  Guess it's my lucky day.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

1.29.11 - Hang UP & Drive

January 29, 2011

Last week while driving home, I saw an SUV driving like a jerk.  He was swerving all over the place and my first instinct was that he was probably on the phone.  We've all been guilty of reading emails, texting, or holding a phone while we drive and we all need to take a SERIOUS look at why we do this.  Some of us talk on the phone because we are bored or because we feel we HAVE to because of our jobs, but I truly feel most of us do it because we can't stand to be idle in our own skin. With all the modes of communication available to us, we feel completely off-kilter without being "tuned in" 24/7.   We have become so ADD as a nation that we can't sit still and focus on what is most important -- our safety and the safety of others. 

I am the worst offender of being a multi-tasker but when it comes to talking on the phone in the car I've gotten better and better.  I really only use my Blue Tooth and I no longer read emails at every stop light.  I mean, seriously people, is my social life, family issue or work crisis more important than your safety?  Can my life literally NOT wait just a few minutes or a half an hour until I reach my destination?  How on earth did the world work thirty years ago?  We all need to get a grip -- on the STEERING WHEEL.

Today I took a pledge to make my car a No Phone Zone. Beginning right now, I will do my part to help put an end to distracted driving by committing to driving as responsibly as I can.  I pledged to never text and only use my Blue Tooth if a call is necessary.

PS.  I love you more than I love my phone.

1.28.11 - Time to Bring the Donuts

January 28, 2011

Taking time to actually write this blog is a blessing and a curse.  It is great because it makes me accountable to myself but it also is a constant reminder that I have one more thing on my To Do list that must get done.

I was on the run all day and while I'd certainly been pleasant and nice to people I hadn't done anything exactly Random or Kind.  I spent my entire day taking care of a sick kid, driving carpools and running errands for my family.  Does being Super Mom count as an RAK? Nope, I'm not letting myself off that easily.

After an evening in Ann Arbor with a friend, I realized on the way home that it was after 11 pm and I still had not completed my RAK for the day.  No cars had broken down on the freeway to save, no lost puppy needed directions and no old lady needed help crossing the road so I did whatever any other Mom would do.... I went to Dunkin' Donuts and bought individual boxes of Munchins for my boys and left them on the counter for a Saturday morning surprise.  

I'm taking my sugar-coated fingers and checking off my list.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

1.27.11 - Just Like a Prayer

January 27, 2011

I heard some disturbing news today about someone and it literally hurt my heart.  The family, devoutly Christian, has asked us all to pray.  I remember as a little girl bending over my bed, hands together to pray as I'd read about in a book.  I was sure that was how you were supposed to do it but it just didn't feel right.  I wasn't sure who I was exactly praying to.  Being dogmatic at age 4, I was an atheist before my time.  That was the last time I prayed alone.

As I've gotten older I've realized that it is just ignorance and arrogance that keeps you from being a believer.  Do I believe there is a man in a white beard and robe ready and willing to receive and answer my prayers? No, and I am jealous of people who can put a face with God and believe it.  I do, however, believe we are very tiny creatures in a world so wide we are incapable of comprehending it....and if we think we can we are the ultimate idiots.  Millions of people are moved by the power of prayer so who am I to arrogantly assume they are wrong.  So while it isn't in my nature, I took a few moments to pray tonight and I used my whole heart.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

1.26.11 - Let them Eat Cake!

January 26, 2011

Not too exciting, but today I bought cake mixes to donate to Gleaner's Food Bank.  For Spirit Week at Noah's school, one of the competitions is a food drive but to make it more fun, each grade was given specific food items to donate and specific classrooms and hours in which to donate them.  If all of the items on the list are donated, they win points for their grade.  Clever!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1.25.11 - Time for Change

January 25, 2011

When I rush too much, I always get burned. It's the story of my life, yet it's a pattern I can't seem to change. To put a positive spin on this obvious flaw, I call it a "quirk" but in actuality it is annoying, rude and sometimes dangerous.

Today I met a friend for lunch and was running ten minutes behind. Finding parking in Birmingham during lunchtime is kind of like finding a diamond ring in the bottom of a box of Cheerios.  I was already cutting it close so imagine my surprise when a minivan pulled out of a spot at the exact moment I pulled in front of the restaurant.  Hmmm. Maybe this conscious RAK routine was paying me back. Maybe I should check the bottom of my cereal box.  I grabbed some change and threw it in the meter.  It read "33 minutes."  Knowing I'd never be done in half an hour I arrogantly ran inside the restaurant. After all, I'd abandoned many-a-meter over the years in B'ham and never been caught.

Halfway through lunch that karma bit me in the ass.  I saw the Parking Control Car creep past the window and just knew my luck had run out. My first instinct was to run outside and either bribe the parking patroller or maybe just flirt a little til' he destroyed my ticket, but in the end I decided I deserved the ticket.  Time to pay up --not to the B'ham Police (well, not yet anyway) but it was time to pay it forward. I took all the change out of my wallet and put it in my neighbor's meter.  I want my kharma back, please.

Monday, January 24, 2011

1.24.11 - Royal Fun

January 24, 2011

Sometimes you think you are giving a gift, but it comes right back to you...www.detroitqfad.comTonight I shared some time with a dozen or so children on the Peds floor at Beaumont Hospital for our Royal Tuck In program (through the For a Day Foundation).  I joined three other volunteers for bed-side visits, giving away fuzzy new blankets, goodie bags and new teddy bears. We've been visiting this hospital for almost 7 years now and doing this particular program for the last 2.

When I started the program its original goal was to relax the children before bed.  We'd bring them goodies, read them a story and in essence, tuck them in for the night.  As the visits have progressed I am seeing that the visits are doing much more than relaxing the kids, they are reaching the parents as well.  Our dialogue with them is as important as our conversations with the kids and I'm finding it so rewarding.  Tonight in particular was a good night.  We visited "Robby" (not really his name, as with HIPA laws, I can't reveal real details) and we were warned that it had been an unusually stressful day.  After our visit, we had Robby and both of his parents laughing and smiling and you could just feel the tension lifted.  My favorite gift of the night, however, was from "Freddy" an adorable tow-headed 3-year old who made me dinner.  Play Doh Pancakes.  Both he and my fake dinner were delicious!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

1.23.11 -- Everyone has a Story

January 23, 2011

Okay, we all know I can't cook but it doesn't mean I don't try.  Every week I visit our butcher (for the sake of the story I will call him Sam like Mrs. Brady did, but that's not really his name).  Sam is a sweetheart.  In the midst of the busiest day of his week, he always greets me with a smile and more importantly, he gives me encouragement and recipe ideas.

Sometimes we forget that our Butcher, our Dry Cleaner, our Cab Driver are each human beings.  Humans with stories and feelings.  Sam had a story and one day he shared it with me.  Why?  Because I asked him for a pound of ground chicken.

Sam was married for over 40 years to a woman who could really cook.  No matter if she worked all day or he was in a bad mood, she always put dinner on the table.  It was one of the ways she verbalized her love.  Sam lost his wife a few years ago and you can tell that his is forever lost himself.  His conversations linger like they might be his last.  A simple question about a cut of meat can take you into stories from his times working on the line or stories about his grown children when they were little.

The first time I spoke to Sam and I heard his story his woulds were obviously fresh.  I realized that sometimes losing someone  you love that much can leave you eternally lost in this atmosphere.  So today, although I was in a hurry to finish my shopping, I took some time to chat with Sam.  Like I do each time I see him, I let our conversation linger as long as he needed me. It breaks and warms my heart at the same time.

1.22.11 - Compliments of Dena

January 22, 2011 (sorry I posted a day late but I wasn't home long enough to write/blog)....

Words are powerful tools so use them wisely.  Yesterday (1/22) I consciously and genuinely made an effort to compliment those around me. Some remarks were deep and meaningful and some were general comments to perfect strangers.  Giving someone self-esteem or a smile or an extra spring in their step selfishly put me in a better mood but what I really hope it did was cause those I targeted to re-gift a compliment. Here's a task -- try giving 10 different people 10 different compliments.  The only caveat I'm adding is ya' have to mean it!  xox

Friday, January 21, 2011

1.21.11 - S.W.A.K.

January 21, 2011

What girl didn't eagerly anticipate Valentine's Day in grade school?  I used to love making my special Valentines' mailbox to hold all the cute cards and tasty treats from my classmates.  The hopeless romantic in me always hoped and prayed for a love note from Corey G., Ryan M. or Randy S. but I settled for winning 1st place in the 3rd grade Valentine's Box Art Contest.

Like all girls, I still love Valentine's Day....and I still love Valentine's cards.  My darling friend Paula always sends me a card with lots of hearts and stickers and such.  It's just a sweet reminder that she loves me.  I'm not always so great at telling people how much I truly care about them so so today I sat down with my elementary school enthusiasm and my colored markers and rainbow heart stickers and made cards for ALL of my girlfriends (and even some of my boyfriends!)  They are my love notes to you!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

1.20.11 - Picture This

January 20, 2011

You don't take a photograph.  You ask, quietly, to borrow it.  ~Author.  Unknown

You ask to borrow it and if you're feeling generous, you give it back. - Author, Dena.

In the middle of my busy day today I stopped to flip through my iPhoto books of past events.  While I was enjoying my little trip down memory lane I realized I've been hogging all these photos for myself.  My RAK today?  I took a 20 minute time-out to send friends and family emails with photo attachments of pictures I've been enjoying of them!  Who doesn't love to see a cute picture of themselves with their loved ones?  Just a little treat from me to you!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1.19.11 - Winter Blahs

January 19, 2011

This winter deal is a bummer.  The icy sidewalks, the dirty snow, the sub-zero temps -- I've had enough.  As my dad likes to say, when the temperature owes you degrees, that kind of sucks.

I'm not the only one in the house affected by the Winter Blues.  My honey has also had enough.  I have noticed that it seems to be the worst at night when we retreat to our bedroom for the evening.  After doing a bit of research on moods and color I have come to the realization that perhaps the muted tones of brown and ice blue don't translate into warm and cozy.

Today's RAK is for David (okay, and maybe a little for me too).  I have replaced our bedding with a brightly colored duvet and pillows and have brought in some super funky and sunny lighting.  No need to wait another three months for some warmth!  I hope this little token cheers up the seasonal mood in the house.

For those of you in a Winter Funk, try brining in warm colors in your house or maybe some freshly-cut flowers.  If that doesn't work and you really just need a laugh, try watching American Idol!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1.18.11 - Order Up

January 18, 2011

Today I went to the Apple store with Noah to get him a new computer.  I love Apples but I do NOT love the Apple stores....they bring out the silent agoraphobic in me.  I thought today would be a safe day.  Afterall, it's Tuesday, and who the heck has time on a Tuesday afternoon to go to the mall?  Turns out, a LOT of people do....but I suffered through it thanks to Tom.  Tom was a great computer guru and painlessly guided us through our purchase.  What's great about the Apple store is not only is the staff "put in your pocket" adorable but they couldn't be more helpful. After our purchase, Tom sat us down and helped Noah set up his computer and even walked him through setting up his tutorial classes.  Best of all he had our purchase taken to my car so I didn't have to schlep it through the mall.  All in all, a painless ordeal.

What does this have to do with RAK?  I decided to share my appreciation of Tom with others, in the hopes that it will trickle back down to him in the form of either a bonus or at least some praise from his boss.  I "reviewed" Tom and the store online and also sent him a copy of what I wrote.  It's easy to do and it got me thinking.  How many times have you complained about bad service?  Can you match that with the times you have complimented on GOOD service?  Just something to munch on.

Monday, January 17, 2011

1.17.11 - Food for Thought

January 17, 2011

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.  - MLK

It seems apropos today of all days, that I reflect a bit on the last two weeks. Making a conscious effort to be kind and do good things for others has had a ripple effect in many ways. I have been overwhelmed by the many stories my friends have shared with me about RAKs they have instigated either on their own or as a result of reading the blog.  I am humbled at the thought that my actions could entice reactions.  I love that -- isn't that what it's all about?  I'm pretty sure there is a quote somewhere out there in the universe about Kindness breeding more Kindness. I'll have to look that up.

My RAK today was spending the afternoon with a great organization called Kids Against Hunger.  Kids Against Hunger is a 501(c)3 that packages highly nutritious food packets that are sent all over the world.  They have educational workshops on site to educate people about famine in Haiti, the politically torn Sudan and also does a wonderful job of explaining these world situations to children in a way that empowers.  Today our family was just four of at least 1,000 people preparing and packaging dry casserole packets to be sent to food banks around the world.  One nice aspect of this program was its sense of community; as you entered your role you were "trained" by the family or group working before you and it was nice to pay it forward when we were done.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

1.16.11 - McCookin' at TSS

January 16, 2011

Today I went outside of my comfort zone for the sake of Tikun Olam.  For those of you not familiar with the term, it is the Hebrew phrase for "Repairing the World."

There's not much that makes me squirm, but I'd say cooking and kitchens are a good place to start.  Noah, David and I joined several hundred fellow Temple Shir Shalom members today for what we call Tikun Olam-a-Thon.  This is an annual event where we pair off into groups to provide a service to one of many needy organizations.  Some people created gift bags for sick children; some people went to nursing homes to play games or sing for the elderly; some packed food for Yad Ezra (food bank).  We joined Zak and his crew from Cutting Edge Cuisine to prepare a hot lunch for the folks at Ronald McDonald house. Knowing my, well...let's just say..."limitations" ... I was put on Breadstick Patrol, but I put my heart into them and that's what counts.  Luckily they tasted better than they looked.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

1.15.11 - I'm Listening

January 15, 2011

I'm a work in progress, as we all are.  One of my Sagitarian flaws is that I'm a talker...and sometimes when you talk a lot you aren't the best listener.  I'm really working on that piece of business...really trying to digest what people are saying to me instead of formulating responses mid-dialogue.

A few weeks ago I was having brunch with my dear friend.  We don't see each other nearly enough so there is LOTS of talking that needs to be done.  I consciously spent a good portion of our time together really listening to her...not just listening to the details of her stories but listening to what is important in her world.

It may sound silly but my dear friend has taken the lead in her child's school in their efforts to build a new playground through the Box Tops program. This is where you collect "box tops" from participating food/grocery products and turn them in for dollars toward your school.  I can only imagine how many box tops it will take to actually build a new playground -- but talking to my friend and her passionate plea, you will believe it can and will be done.

So today's random act of kindness if for Caryn.  Watch your mail because I've been saving all my box tops for you and just sent you a package...and I'll be doing it all year just for you!

P.S.  I want to be the first one down the slide!

Friday, January 14, 2011

1.14.11 - Cleanup on Aisle 2

January 14, 2011

I think Rachael Ray is stalking me. Okay, well she may not be reading my blog, she has acquired the kindness bug. Beginning 1/17 she is kicking of the "Kindness Challenge" so if you watch her show (which I do not) tell me all about it.  RR and her EVOO have always irritated me but in honor of her kindness pledge I will try not to make fun of her for the rest of the year.

In other thrilling news, my random act of kindness today was for a wonderful neighbor Julie.  Julie is a fabulous neighbor who always has a friendly smile, a stick of butter, a magazine to swap and general interesting news to report.  On our way out to sushi tonight we noticed she hadn't taken her garbage cans/recycling bins in from yesterday.  Her house is dark and both garages are closed...thinking they are out of town...soooooo David and I took their cans/bins in.  No biggie!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

1.13.11 - A Sweet Gift

January 13, 2011

Never been much of a Robin Williams fan but here's a quote of his that works for me:

“I'm sorry, if you were right, I'd agree with you.”

I'll admit I have a flaw (perhaps I have more than one but I'm not sharing!).  I can be stubborn.  Especially when I know I'm right.  Today I had a disagreement with someone I love and decided to "gift" this person a pass on having to argue with me until he/she figured out I was right.  Instead, I simply left him/her a box of candy with a note that said "I Heart U".    I'm thinking this is a gift for us both.  xox

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1.12.11 - Under the FREEZIN' COLD Weather

January 12, 2011

Part of the exercise of this year-long journey is to see if I can "walk the walk of kindness" when I'm not in a good mood.  I woke up under the weather today and the freezing cold temps certainly didn't put a spring in my step. What random act of kindness would I muster up in my less-than-pleasant mood?

Peering out the window I caught a glimpse of a gaggle of middle schoolers shivering on my front sidewalk as they awaited the school bus.  Most of those kids were not wearing boots. (Fashion comes before Common Sense in Middle School!)  I realized those poor kids were going to have freezing cold feet because I hadn't shoveled the walkway. Soooooo, I layered up, went outside and shoveled my walkway...then I also shoveled my neighbors walkway because I knew she wasn't home.  Usually I find my "kindness" acts have a ripple effect on my day but I will be honest -- today I just wanted to crawl back under the covers with a cup of hot cocoa.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1.11.11 - Just Post It

January 11, 2011
Before Noah was born I began to keep a journal for him and started the same when I was pregnant with Shelby. Over the years I have written in it many times to share milestones and my thoughts about their growth and changes. They are my love notes, in a sense, and I plan to give them to each child when they have children of their own.

I'm pretty sure at age 11 and 13, my kids would rather get a root canal than receive a love note from their mother. The mere existence of me is pretty much an embarrassment.  I'm not even allowed to sing along to the radio in the car just in case someone they know happens to drive within 50 feet.

It occurred to me today that I have found the perfect way to share my thoughts. The Sticky Note. While packing Noah's lunch today I left him a note to wish him luck on his midterms and let him know I loved him. He hasn't mentioned this note as he is "too cool" (and he is probably afraid it will encourage me to engage him in conversation in a public place) but I know it will have lasting value.

Monday, January 10, 2011

1.10.11 - Haute Vote

January 10, 2011

I really love my friends.  I’m what you would call “A Giver,” “A Softie,” or as others would say …..“A Sucker!”  You need a shoulder to cry on?  Want to borrow a cup of sugar? Pick you up at the airport at 1 am? Need me to write your son’s essay to get into college?  I’m your girl. 

Today, as I was going through my Facebook, I realized I have been ignoring the many requests that have been sent to me to “Vote for…” miscellaneous causes/issues.  While it may seem a pointless exercise to some, I decided to take ten minutes and really read through these requests.  If it is important to YOU than shouldn’t I care enough about you to support your causes? 

Today I:
  1.    Signed a petition for CREDO urging Sarah Palin to stop using  shooting images in political rhetoric                
  2. Voted for in the Lowe’s Charitable and Educational  Foundation’s contest to donate $100,000
  3. Signed a petition to save the bison of Yellowstone National Park
  4.                Voted to help a friend’s father stop smoking

Now, friends, don’t get carried away.  While I’m thrilled to support you in all your endeavors and causes, I will draw the line at the following request.  I will never change my Facebook status to:

PLEASE put this on your status if you know someone or are related to someone who has been eaten by dragons. Dragons are nearly unstoppable and in case you didn't know, they can breathe fire. 93% of people won't copy and paste this, because they have already been eaten by dragons. 6% of people are sitting in the shower, armed with fire extinguishers.. and the remaining 1% are awesome and will re-post this.

I am not THAT awesome.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

1.9.11 - Hope in the Mail

January 9, 2011

Children.  Cancer.  Two words that should never go together.  Unfortunately, it is something I have seen a lot of in the last eight years through my role with a local organization called Queen/Hero for a Day.  Bringing special events to children coping with cancer and other life-threatening illness has shown me that just the smallest effort on our part can make a big difference.  Whether it is raising the self-esteem through a bedside manicure of a pre-teen girl, or bringing laughter to a little boy who has been cranky from too many needle pokes, it just takes a few minutes to help brighten their day. 

Today I heard the disappointing news that one of our “queens” has been told she is relapsing.  Our amazing group of volunteers, many of whom have never met this little girl, are already on the job. Through our “Happy Mail” program, we offer our love and encouragement in the hopes that our small token will bring a smile and lift her spirits. I just finished decorating my care package and I know I am not the only one.   If anyone is interested in sending her a card please contact me and I will send you her information.  

Saturday, January 8, 2011

1.8.11 - A Note of Thanks

January 8, 2011 

Merci, Danke, Grazie, Gracias, Obrigado….no matter how you say thank you it is something we can never do enough. Today I took a few minutes to tell someone how much I appreciate them.  You see, “Phil” can be a very generous guy.  Gruff and off-color on the outside, he is a closet Nice Guy.  Generous in spirit and fiercely loyal to those he loves, Phil has many qualities I admire.  With this said, we are not extremely close, although we’ve known each other for over 20 years.  He keeps those he loves at arms length; he never gets too close. 

Today he did something I really appreciated and while I wanted to thank him face-to-face, I knew it would embarrass the hell out of him.  So I decided to write him a good ole’ fashion thank you note.  At first it was just going to be a simple email -- a one-liner if you will, but as I began to craft my words, my feelings of gratitude spilled out. I let him know how much he means to me and how his actions are really making a difference to someone I love.  Appreciation breeds giving, and kindness.  So I guess my message today is don’t be afraid to say thank you to someone – maybe every day – and I mean REALLY say thank you .  Also– don’t forget to hit the send button.

Friday, January 7, 2011

1.7.10 - The Kid's Got Heart

January 7, 2011
Volunteering is a big part of my life and it is always a treat when I meet kids who are willing to get involved and make a difference.   My little pal Ezra will be participating in a Dance-A-Thon through Joe Cornell Entertainment in a few days and today I mailed him a little note of encouragement with a donation to his very worthy cause.  If you haven't heard about Kids Kicking Cancer it is a powerful one.  I have been honored to meet many kids who have participated in the program and have found it to be very helpful.  Kids Kicking Cancer is a non-profit 501© 3 organization that provides weekly classes for children, both inpatient and outpatient, in the mind-body techniques found in the martial arts. Our mission is “to ease the pain of very sick children while empowering them to heal physically, spiritually and emotionally.”

Thursday, January 6, 2011

1.6.11 - An Idea to Toss Around

January 6, 2011

I have a friend.  We will call him "Schmalan."  He is allergic to paper.  Okay, maybe not paper but he is allergic to recycling.  He mocks me and flat out makes fun of me for saving the world one sheet of paper at a time.  So, today, like I have often done in the past, I took "Schmalan's" paper to school.  No, I'm not educating his paper; I'm recycling it.

Ever notice those happy little green and yellow dumpsters outside our local schools? They are bins from and when they are full they can hold up to 2 tons of paper....that is a lot of paper! While we recycle curbside, and I am one of the crazy neighbors that has the King Daddy Giant recycling bin, I do take the extra time to gather up our paper, newspapers, magazines and junk mail and deliver it once a week to one of these brightly-colored, little bins.  The paper is recycled into newsprint and best of all, the school actually gets paid every time they fill up the bin. Try leaving a box in your garage just for your paper...throw your junk mail in there before it even goes in the it fills up, throw it in the car and drop it're probably hitting the carpool line anyway and if not, I'm 100% certain you pass a school during your daily commute.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

1.5.11 - Swerv'ing Justice

January 5, 2011

Today I kept you a little safer. Driving home from school today, the black SUV in front of me continuously veered off the road.  In and out of the yellow lines he went, almost hitting a mailbox once, and in general driving like a jerk.  At first I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Let’s be honest, how many times have we taken a call or sipped a cup of coffee on the road and perhaps swerved just the tiniest amount? When it continued for more than a mile, I pestered him with my brights and he arrogantly continued his swerving.  Was he drunk?  On drugs? Texting?  If I chose to do nothing and someone died because I didn’t want to get involved wouldn’t I be just as guilty?  I decided to make the call and phoned the non-emergency number for the police.  They appreciated the heads up and dispatched the call immediately…and before you ask, yes, I did it all on Blue Tooth.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1.4.11 - It's the Yeast We Can Do

January 4, 2011

Smile and the world smiles with you.  Isn’t that a song or something?  Today I shared a smile and made a nameless face a friend.  You see, I have never been a good cook.  What in the heck does that have to do with anything? Let me explain.

I don’t really cook (at least not well) but one of the things I do to make my house a home and make sure my family knows they are special is I buy fresh bread.  Two or three times a week I go to Dakota Bread to buy fresh challah.  If Shelby’s peanut butter sandwiches or Noah’s French toast were to ever be made with grocery store Wonder Bread I would take it as a personal failure.  It is a simple errand which transfers in my heart as a loving gesture.  It occurred to me today that while I have been going to Dakota Bread for the last ten years, at least twice a week, I have missed 1,040 opportunities to make a personal, human connection.  Today I changed that.  While it took a bit of courage, as I didn’t want to look like a stalker, I introduced myself to Sue, the lovely woman at the counter.    This is what I said – and I encourage you to try it.  “Hi!  I have been coming here for years and see you many times a week.  It occurred to me today that I have never known or asked you your name.  My name is Dena.”….That is all it took for a wonderful connection to begin.  My genuine effort transformed a sterile bread transaction into a warm conversation that will carry into the days and weeks to come. Challah at ya’ latah Sue.

Monday, January 3, 2011

1.3.11 - Left of Center

January 3, 2011
I haven’t been very nice to myself lately.  I have fallen out of balance with who I am and what I want.  I have treated myself badly and haven’t given myself permission to be healthy.  I’ve ignored friendships, let illness and laziness interfere with my yoga, eaten way too much sugar, and the list goes on and on.  Today I gave myself a gift.  Today’s random act of kindness was for myself.  Yes, it may sound self-absorbed but actually, I think it is kind of a revelation.  My yoga teacher today said it perfectly.  Wouldn’t it be great if we stopped complimenting each other on how great we look, or what a cute outfit we have on, and instead complimented one another on how centered we were?  It occurred to me that I had completely lost my center and right then and there, just a few short hours ago, decided to take it back!  So here I sit, calm and centered, ready to give of myself with a full heart.  And just in case my Self Gift wasn’t worthy enough of my daily contribution, I did drop by the recycling center and donated three bags of clothes to Salvation Army on the way home!  Namaste.

“We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies” ~Roderick Thorp, Rainbow Drive

Sunday, January 2, 2011

1.2.11…. A Clean Act to Follow

January 2, 2011

Call me jaded, but when celebrities attach themselves to charitable causes it rarely impresses me.  It usually comes across as a publicity stunt-- an unauthentic gesture that will undoubtedly reveal some connection to their own career or personal gain.  Recently, I happened to come across Matt Damon on a late night talk show and I think I'm having a change of heart.  Instead of plugging his latest movie, he spent most of the interview discussing his involvement in an organization called  He was so genuinely passionate I found myself hanging on his every word.  As he shared… In our lifetime, we may not see a cure for cancer or an end to AIDS but we can, and SHOULD fix today’s water crisis.  It is an entirely fixable tragedy!  Did you know that 1 out of every 8 people in the world does not have access to clean water?  Thousands of people are dying every day from either lack of water or sickness from contaminated water. More people in the world have cell phones than working toilets. raises money to create sustainable community projects for establishing accessible clean water.  Today I did my part in helping supply water for one person’s lifetime.  I hope you will too!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

1.1.11 - A Sweet Start

January 1, 2011

Not that I need help being kind, but just in the interest of the topic of hand, I decided to GOOGLE “Random Acts of Kindness”.  It shocked me to see that there were so many books and articles on the topic. Have we become so self-involved that we actually need to read a book to remember how to be kind?  In order for my journey to be an authentic one, I decided to ignore all articles beginning with “Ideas” or “Suggestions” on Random Acts of Kindness.  I think if we need help coming up with ideas on how to be a human being we are in serious trouble as a nation.

In creating my “First Official Random Act of Kindness” I partnered two of my very favorite things.  Friends and Cookies.  Both are sweet, put a smile on your face and fulfill you in multiple ways.  Today I decided to surprise my friend Sherry by delivering a container of freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies. The general idea was to bring a smile to her face and let her know that, while I may not say it, I truly appreciate her friendship.  As I began to write an accompanying note telling her just that, I did something that surprised me.  I asked that she, at some point, refill the container with cookies and randomly share them with someone else.  Afterall, isn’t kindness contagious?  According to researchers, it is!