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Quote of the Week

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ~AesopFor attractive lips, speak words of kindness. ~Audrey HepburnKind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless. ~Mother TeresaWhenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love. ~GandhiIt is when you give of yourself that you truly give. ~Kahil GibranChoose being kind over being right, and you'll be right every time. ~Richard Carlson

Saturday, January 29, 2011

1.29.11 - Hang UP & Drive

January 29, 2011

Last week while driving home, I saw an SUV driving like a jerk.  He was swerving all over the place and my first instinct was that he was probably on the phone.  We've all been guilty of reading emails, texting, or holding a phone while we drive and we all need to take a SERIOUS look at why we do this.  Some of us talk on the phone because we are bored or because we feel we HAVE to because of our jobs, but I truly feel most of us do it because we can't stand to be idle in our own skin. With all the modes of communication available to us, we feel completely off-kilter without being "tuned in" 24/7.   We have become so ADD as a nation that we can't sit still and focus on what is most important -- our safety and the safety of others. 

I am the worst offender of being a multi-tasker but when it comes to talking on the phone in the car I've gotten better and better.  I really only use my Blue Tooth and I no longer read emails at every stop light.  I mean, seriously people, is my social life, family issue or work crisis more important than your safety?  Can my life literally NOT wait just a few minutes or a half an hour until I reach my destination?  How on earth did the world work thirty years ago?  We all need to get a grip -- on the STEERING WHEEL.

Today I took a pledge to make my car a No Phone Zone. Beginning right now, I will do my part to help put an end to distracted driving by committing to driving as responsibly as I can.  I pledged to never text and only use my Blue Tooth if a call is necessary.

PS.  I love you more than I love my phone.

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